Thursday, May 18, 2017

May 15-18, 2017

This Week:

Newton Public Library puppet show

Maker Space

Three Billy Goats Fluff

Field Day

Yearbook signing

Scoop chairs


And just for fun...

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Between the rain, the kids learned about the tricky y (long e and long i sounds), had time to talk with a friend about kindergarten memories and what's to come in first grade, AND their favorite: finding water at the second recess and using it in their sand play. (That was my favorite, too.) The cooperation, friendship, sharing, ideas--it was almost too much for my heart to hold.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

May 4, 2017

Today kids wrote stories about a mouse, and really loved reading them to each other.

Kids also read a story. I told them it was a first grade level book. It is very close. They are not fast, but they are super accurate! :-)

Our read aloud time happened outside, and it was lovely.

We also made shapes with craft sticks, and reviewed addition and subtraction facts within 5.

We had a grand time!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

May 3, 2017

It was a fantastic day in Kindergarten!!!

The kids cut, glued, matched words/pictures with o-e.

We talked again about the zones (green, blue, yellow, red) and how to manage our feelings. Feelings are ok and acceptable, and learning how to regulate those feelings is hard work.

The last math unit has much to do with shapes, and we started that today.

Our ELA story was about protecting our Earth (reduce, reuse, recycle). I loved reading the writing they did related to this. The papers are now hanging in the hallway. PLEASE stop by and read them. (Notice the awesome spelling, and handwriting.)

I've been eating with the students lately. It has been nice and relaxed.

Since today was "N" day, we took a little nature walk around the school looking for living things. Found this guy (or girl).

Also found a marker and some notes were written during recess.

As summer approaches, let's talk about how to keep up the great reading, writing, and math skills!

This guy wrote this sentence without any help from anyone. We couldn't be happier!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

May 1, 2017

Our day was filled with learning and fun!

The students practiced cutting, gluing, and following directions with a "Match the Picture" activity that they put into their spiral notebooks. The most fun is that we throw the scraps on the floor and pick them up later. 

The wonderful kinders lined up so straight and quietly for the start of Science with Mrs. Schmidt!

During our read aloud I saw this board. I super love how the students are drawing and WRITING parts of the story they hear. (These are characters in the story.)

Going to the computer lab is a favorite activity as well.

The enjoyed licking their lollipops and talking with their friends in the afternoon.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kids worked hard today. Grew their brains!

Finding the ten and ones of the teen numbers is starting to click!

And writing numbers past 20, and learning the pattern is keeping some of the kids on their toes!!!

Recess was a blast (even if it was chilly).

Ice cream sandwiches were a wonderful way to celebrate a year full of learning and growing!