Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Today was a normal day. Music, library, reading, art, lunch, recess (early to avoid the rain that didn't come), math (giving tens and ones to a number) and read aloud. 

I finished My Father's Dragon. So fun!!!

The only picture I got was of a note given to us from Mrs. Roux and smarties. 

The whole school did well yesterday, but Mrs. Roux consistently saw our class being awesome and attentive. Made me so proud!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Monday, April 25, 2016

Another successful field trip!

(Last Thursday and Friday I had a sub in the classroom while I pulled kids to do end-of-the-year testing. Soon I'll have data to share.)

Before we left on the field trip we had just a little bit of time to learn about some "ghost" sounds. I"m referring to silent letters at the beginning of words.

The first thing we did at the farm was go on a hay rack ride. It was very fun.

Then the kids (in two groups) traveled to 5 stations that were presented by NHS FFA members.

Next, we enjoyed a lovely hot dog lunch.

And ended the day with 5 more stations.

We got back just in time to read a chapter in our book.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

AKA: Field Trip Day

Wowzers! What an incredible day!

Thanks so much to all of the parents who went along and made the day great for all of the kids. I could not imagine doing this field trip without you.

Here are a few photos of the day...

The kids had. Presentation about weather. And then made a rain storm. 

Lunch time. 

The bus ride home was still loud, but so many tired and happy faces. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

It was so good to see everyone again!!!

We started with reading, and this week are are reading about "Helpers." While learning about the sound au and aw. Great high frequency words this week: brother, mother, father, love.

We reviewed the "bossy r" sounds with a cool spinner game.

And later, if the kids could read the words, I did push ups. It was great motivation and I loved it!!!

Even later (after recess) when the kids would have rather chit chatted, I motivated them to listen, learn and do the Math work (greater than, less than) by... Anyway, ask your child, I'm a little shy to talk about it! But what I can say is--the kids rose to the challenge and did a FANTASTIC job.

Wow are they smart!!!

So excited what they will do next.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016

I've really been enjoying reading groups this week.

Having time with each student is high on my list and this week it happened!

We finished up our "My Plate" lessons with a lesson on "sometimes food" and a "sometimes snack." It was a version of trail mix. Cheerios, Cracklin Oat Bran, Shredded Wheat, chocolate chips, banana chips. It was a hit!

Next Friday is Earth Day, so we have been doing a little reading in preparation for that and today we did a quick art project.

And our BIG pizza party happened today. Our class earns "green" notes in the cafeteria for meeting expectations. And they did it (a long time ago--before spring break) and Mr. C. bought pizza for us today to celebrate their great behavior.

Two things that have evolved over the year:

1. A couple of kids know when the doors need to be held open and just do it. So wonderful that they see a need and solve it.

2. Another friend has noticed that I do not always remember to change the date on the board, so he makes sure he does that before the end of the day. Today he even accounted for a weekend and a no school day on Monday.

Hope you have a fantastic weekend and enjoy your Monday!!!

P.S. There may be some full backpacks today. I "helped" them clean out their lockers. :-)

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What a busy day!

It started with some great reading. Especially reading to find the theme of a text. (A very high-level thinking skill that ALL the kids are beginning to understand.) 

Some kids at the teaching table. 

Other kids reading with a buddy or on their own. 

Next we tackled "theme" with a mostly familiar story--Click, Clack, Moo, Cows That Type. 

To retell the story (a different skill) the kids in groups acted out the story. It was the best 45 minutes of my day!!

Watching the children perform was great! Watching  the children collaborate and learn from each other--priceless. 

I had a district meeting that took me to Newton for the afternoon, so no update about those hours. I missed my smiling, laughing faces. Can't wait to see them tomorrow. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Along the the regular reading group, phonics work (oo like in moon), intro to "theme," math review and math word problems (gasp!), Mrs. LaMar invited us to join her class for some bubble fun. 

A bubble blowing contest. 

And some chasing bubbles. 

It's kind of difficult to see the bubbles, but it was a joy to watch the Academics (first graders) be silly and have fun. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Monday, April 11, 2016

Oh my gracious! What an amazing day!!!

My four favorite moments...

Music practice. 

Retelling of our story about tools working together. 

Reading fluency practice

And an awesome fun math game. 

Ask your child if it was fun--and if they remember how to play. 

Boy was the room intense during the game.