Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wrapping Up the Week

Tuesday and Wednesday were busy, full and awesome!

The kids ROCKED their tree writings. They are hanging in the hallway. Stop by and see them.

Both days we enjoyed reading our Scholastic News. It was fun to see text features (photos, diagrams and captions) in the News.

They also had a grand time working with a group or a partner doing STEM challenges. Tuesday was to make a catapult and chuck a candy pumpkin, and Wednesday was to build a candy tower. In both challenges we used a yard stick to measure how far the pumpkin was chucked and how tall the tower was.

And the highlight of Wednesday was the parade, and then the party. Thanks to our wonderful helpers!!!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday, October 36, 2015

In the words of one of the fabulous firsties, "Today was the best day ever."

There have been so many great days, but knowing that today was special to them makes me happy. 

It made us so happy to sing Happy Birthday to our helper, Miss Tara. We wrote letters to her and ate cupcakes in her honor. 

Being a short week we are tying the fluency passage, art and writing together. 

Read about fall. Draw, color and paint a fall tree. 

And end the day with a little addition fact fluency practice. 

I'm so excited about tomorrow that I almost gave away the special thing after recess. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Friday at the Pumpkin Patch

Another amazing day in first grade!!!

With many grown ups, the kids were able to do the stuff, see the things and have a great time.

The program...

Choosing the perfect pumpkin...

Rules for playing...

The jump pad...

Just horsin' around...

The petting zoo...

Future first grader...

Our playground needs these vehicles... So much FUN!!!

And on our way back to school. Why are the children hanging in the aisle? And is the teacher letting them?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015

I'm What a magnificent day!!!

We don't usually have a time for sharing (boo hoo), but this morning we just had to.

Later in reading we worked on a new text feature, captions, and how they work. We spent a good amount of time comparing words to figure out which sound was the same.

In the afternoon I challenged them to make a spider web that would hold some blocks. I gave out specific materials,and let them get to work. It was fantastic! Mr. Chalashtari was in the room for a bit of the time and was pleased with the cooperation and conversations that he heard. Way to go kids. There were 5 groups and one group successfully made a spider web. The other groups are eager for me to give them another chance.

Since we read fantasy stories this week, we tried our hand at writing our own. It was the first story we tried this year and once again, I was amazed and so pleased.

Our recess was cut short by a quick rain shower. I did not even have to call the kids, they came willingly,and then were proud to see how wet they got (which wasn't very much).

Wishing you a great evening!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Today was a celebration! The kids filled the jar of beads and off we went to the new playground to let off some energy. I wish the time could have been longer. Now they are working at filling the jar AGAIN!!!

We love Tuesday's because Mrs. Cepadas (a fabulous aide) comes in and works with two groups of kids for reading. Here is a great shot of how engaged the kids were with their story for this week. A fantasy! Do your kids know what makes fantasy different? Ask and see...

I am working on addition fluency, and today we continued our investigation of plus 1 and plus 2, using mice. It melted my heart to see them working in partners and talking Math.

Have a great evening!

Monday, October 19, 2015

Monday, October 19, 2015

So happy to be back with the students today. We learned a lot and had fun. 

We will work on short u words, continue our comprehension by thinking about characters and settings, and add some high frequency words. The stories we will read will focus on fantasy and relate to the theme communities. 

We are wrapping up this first unit in math (it's a BIG one). And working on mastering +1 and +2 facts. Today I read Mouse Count and used that as a tool for practicing. 

The kids enjoyed nature at recess. The new stumps made a great pretend campfire and fun place to hang out. 

Even with grown ups in and out of the room, these kids are pros!!! They continue to focus on me and the lesson and I am so proud of them!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Remember me? It has been way too long!

Our fluency this week is Spider Webs. And a friend noticed one at recess. Not sure I captured it with the photo, but here's a try.

And the new carpet arrived. :)

And a short table that the kids can sit on their knees to work. It is pretty cool. Now we need to practice and get good at using the materials that are nearby and not let them distract us or each other.

I have done some testing recently to prepare for report cards and conferences and I am truly amazed. What these kids have learned is beyond what I expected. Tomorrow I will prepare for the conferences by pulling ideas and suggestions so that we can work together to get the kids ready for second grade and beyond.

Have a fantastic weekend!!