Saturday, January 30, 2016

Kansas Day 2016 (January 29, 2016)

What a BIG day for us! The excitement had built all week. Costumes were gathered. Plans were made. Volunteers had arrived.

The kids went to specials as planned, so that Mrs. Hancock (Mrs. LaMar's long-term sub) and I could get the centers set up.

We had 6 centers, and the kids from both classes spent approximately 20 minutes at each one.

1. Cow patty toss: looking at a real cow patty (thanks Violet for the specimen), discussed its' use, talked about some pioneer homes, and then tossed a cow patty (really it was a wadded up construction paper).

2. Planted a sunflower seed, listened to a book about plants.

3. Looked at a Kansas map from today, and pioneer days. Compared and contrasted them.

4. Learned how to play marbles, and talked about other pioneer homes.

5. Saw a variety of home "tools" (a washboard, butter churn and LOADS more), and made butter.

6. Learned about old-fashioned school houses and saw many books, a teacher bell, and water dipper.

I have only one picture from the time, because we were so involved with the centers! This is the school house center, but in the background you can see the marble players having a wonderful time!

Thanks to more donations we made our own dessert (sunflower cookies). 

We had so much fun at recess playing pioneer/royalty. And twirling our skirts was an added bonus. 

More photos from the day...

What a fantastic day!

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