Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday, November 3, 2016

What an amazing day!!!

My favorite part was reading a Thanksgiving book and then the activity that followed. Since we've been talking about visualizing, that was the activity. The kids visualized a part of the book, then most wrote a sentence about it. The drawings were full of detail and color. But the writing! I did very little helping and was speechless when I looked them over later. 

I spent the rest of the day showing the papers to teachers and Mrs. Wells. Look for them tomorrow in the black folder. 

During math we did a Kagan structure to practice naming shapes. The structure is called Mix-Freeze-Group. I loved listening to the kids talk and reason and tell me "why" they chose their answer. High level thinking for sure!

Wonder what amazing reading or writing or mathing the Kinders will be doing tomorrow...

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